Presented by Rich Tegge We’re entering the third week of the shutdown, only days away from the point at which the U.S. Treasury will run out of money to pay all obligations. As of Tuesday morning, October 15, the Senate is claiming that a shutdown/debt deal is near. Nevertheless, the clock is ticking. Where do … Where We Currently Stand: The Situation in Washington, DC
For long-term savers, rising rates are nothing to fear. Most investors are familiar with the bond “seesaw” showing the inverse relationship between bond prices and rates: When on rises, the other falls. But the reality is more nuanced. While short-term market fluctuations are never comfortable, investors focusing on their long-term goals should not fear rising … Stay the Course
Brad McMillan, chief investment officer, talks with Maria Considine King, vice president of practice management, about the government shutdown the debt ceiling. Brad also offers updates on some positive economic indicators, as well as what investors should be mindful of going forward. Follow Brad at
For the first time since 1995–1996, the U.S. government has been shut down in a dispute over the federal budget. With the 2011 debt ceiling debate, then the 2012 fiscal cliff, and now this, it seems that governmental dysfunction has been normalized. Now that the shutdown has happened, we can start to assess the damage, … Assessing the Shutdown Damage